segunda-feira, 30 de setembro de 2013

Greek fire

Also knowled as roman fire, was the rason of the wining of lots of wars and ship battles. Its recipe is lost because of the years that passed before it.
 The greek fire was a kind of liquid that at the same time is fire and dont erases because the water. The bizantinos destroied it formula because of the fear of it finishing in opponent hands and resulting in their dead. 
 The greek fire is a recipe that just lost when the gunpowlder appeard, and this recipe resulted in the past in the kill of lots of wariors that wore attacking castles and did all the diference in the battles in the see keeping lots of sheps in the depest parts of ouor sea.
 Thats all and thank you for reading this blog


This flail, or Cumberjung, was made in Gujarat when the place was under the rules of the Maratha hindu empire. The rod was manipulated to make the disks with shar edges slice through the air. Was a feared weapon in close combat. But it was necessary considerable skill to be used effectively.

domingo, 29 de setembro de 2013

Roman warior

they wore wariors trained for killing, they wore totaly prescise and veterans in the art of the war, he was trained for this, while his training they needed to run 32 kilometers in five houors, for having capacity to fight with absolutely cruelty. And for who didnt obey the rules, and for example sleep in service, he was carefuly beaten to death with a stick.
 they used to fight with a sword a big shield and a spear, they also used a plate armor with a hauberk in down it. (image below)
 Thanks for reading this blog, and thats all.

The medieval warior

Medieval wariors wore an symblo of the church, they wore noblemans, that had a lot of respect and had much ability with the weapons they used to use. "which is the function of the knights? protect the church, fighting with the wicked ... and, if necessary, take their lives." joao de salisbury, POLICRATICUS, 1159.
 Their combat instruments wore two swords, and two daggers, they weared a plate armor with a hauberk dow the armor. (image below)
thats all and thank you for reading this blog

sexta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2013

Sword for execution

Lots of years ago, the execution way was diferent, they used to put who did something wrong in a public place, and lots of people used to go there for watching the executions.
 They usedto decapitate who didnt follow the law, and the executioner had a diferent sword for decapitation, a execution sword, tha didnt have tip, and was recorded with execution draws (image bellow)
 It was very comon and lots of people liked watching this scenes, was like ouor cinema, have good night and thank you for reading this blog.

quarta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2013

European plate armor

 The european plate armor came for replacing the hauberk, that was very functional but with the advence of the weapons the warriors need to be better protected, the plate armor had a good degree of mobility, besides been very strong.
 The plate armor was devided in seven parts:
-> helmet
-> Jambs
-> Chesplate
-> Gloves
-> legplates
-> Backrests
-> Greaves
 (look the image below, its more complete) 
 Because the plate armor was just starting wore some spaces in the armor that allowed the oponent hurting who was wearing the armor, so they used  the hauberk low the armor
 Thats all, thanks for reading this blog.

terça-feira, 24 de setembro de 2013


 THe hauberk was the first kind of armor, i was did with litle rings that in the end form clothes, a full hauberk had wheight of 13 kilograms, for making a hauberk was needed about 30.000 little rings that wore positioned for the sistem 4 to 1 (image below)
  They had also a diferent kind of hauberk for the warriors that used to batle in a horse, that had 
A cut in the midle for having more space to move the legs (image bellow)
 The hauberk somentimes didnt have a hood, so itwas separated, and was called hood mesh
( image bellow)

 Thats all thank you for reading this blog.

segunda-feira, 23 de setembro de 2013

Prehistoric Weapons

The abilit of making tools, to the humans, was the first step to the domination of his  enviroment.
The firsts tools, wore made of rocks, and wore not much eficient, it wore, blades and axes, that helped in the survive of the man.
 The paleolitc blades, was just inportant to have cut, because they used it for killing animals and getting of it members from his body.
 The firts axes didnt have cable, so was a hard work using that, but it was very useful, because in my opinion is more easy to kill and take of its members if a hand axe, than if my own hands.


 they did also knifes and lots of oher blades that wore similar to this hand axe but, with the time they started doing knifes and blades with diferent formts for helping in what they wanted to do.
Tools with cable

 After 250.000 a.C. they starded doing cables for, caning put more power and doint hurting theyr hands when using their tools, what changed and a lot the way of huntig, doing normal works, planting and waring, because in the war they had plus reach, in their start o f farms plus power, and in hunting all this
 But dont stop there, with this started the firsts launching weapons, like knifes, axes, hamers and other things that inspirated an subject tha was spoke two post  left...
                                                                                Bows and arrows
 This changed completly the primitive war, because, was like now a days, was like i can kill you if you are a 50 meters far from me, today this is nothing because we have weapons that can shot a distance of 2.500 meters what is 500 times more than what they could do
 But was the start, and we have ouor weapons today becase someone finked in a bow in the past 
  Their arrows wore made of flint and had to the format of ouor hunting arrows
   Thats all, and have a good nigth good bye.

sexta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2013


The catapults wore an important , well, a very important weapon in medieval wars, because normaly the castles had big wals that dificulted to atack it, so the catapult solved this problem, simplesly, putting down the wall
 See the image below
They used the power of the catapults plus giant rocks in fire,for wining lots of wars, and destroing hole kingdoms.

terça-feira, 17 de setembro de 2013


The archers wore, the most important element in the medieval war, they wore an element in the war that if you didnt have in your side you wore lost.
 The archers did that much final atacks unstuked, because the most part of the wariors died without meeting the enemies.
 The bow is used now a days, besides not much common in some contries, there are lots of competitions of bow. The power of the bow is messed in lbs that variate a lot, because there are some diferent kinds of bows(images below)
Long bow

Compound bo

Recurve bow

The arrows, there is no much to speak about arrows, but the arrows and the bow are of equal importance, without one of them you cant can use it 

sexta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2013


Hello, we are bloggers about medieval weapons, we are going to show you some curiositis, how did some weapons used to work a long time ago. We are going to try some weapons and show you how did was doing it, some miths about weapons, like the sord of king arthur, and thats all, thanks.